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mod for leaving shivering isles?


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A warning, there is a bug if you leave Shivering Isles without going through the entrance, It can cause all NPCS to loose their topics giving "I have no Topics" as the only choice. To fix this just go back into Shivering Isles and exit through the portal.


Not every quick transport mod does this, I use an older version of a mod that uses a spell to move into a room in a pocket universe, then it has the capability of going from there into any player owned house. I would often jump out of SI into one of my homes, go out into Cyrodiil, do whatever I needed to , then teleport back into my pocket world, and use the marker that had been placed when I jumped out to return to the exact place I left from in SI.

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Also there are some teleportaion mods that are specially catered to SI:

Like Wrye Shivering.


Integration(it basically adds an alternate entrance/exit to SI that is closer to New Sheoth.)


Those probably aren't the best examples since Wrye Shivering's method requires that you've beaten SI, and Integration's method requires that you get about halfway through the mod's main quest-line.

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