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1- Hack playerspeed and jump height for more realistic values?

2- Change glider and wingsuit params (pitch, turning, whatnot)?


I unpacked the patch.dll, but I'm not sure where to find these specific params. In the Player files? Since there's no mods for these yet, I thought I would just tinker the codes myself. But do any of you know how to do it? And I don't want to hear the people who go "Oh I wanted this too!" or "Me too!" I want someone who can help.

Edited by DidntReadLol
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Altering the glide path ratio of the hang glider was in another recent thread. My response to that was I've never seen any command line parameters that allow that to be done, and no one else said any different. I'd assume the same is true for the wingsuit.


Also, you should have unpacked the patch.dat & patch.fat files in date_win32 file. I've never heard of anyone unpacking the/a patch.dll file.


Here's the file path (from my game install on my comp) for your character's (Jason) specs 'n such:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\FarCry 3\data_win32\patch\worlds\fc3_main\generated\entitylibrary\player\MainCharacter/PawnPlayer


The red highlighted patch file is the one we create when we unpack the patch.dat & patch.fat files in the data_win32 folder.....................then follow the other steps related to it's creation.


There are several player files in the MainCharacter folded, that correspond to Jason's specs at different points in the main story line. FYI: I haven't changed any of them except the PawnPlayer file, so I'm not sure what effect changing stuff in the other files would have.


Here's a couple sections to look for in that PawnPlayer file:


<object name="Wingsuit">
<field name="fFallTimeNeededToDeployWingsuit" type="Float32">0</field>
<field name="fDistanceNeededToDeployWingsuit" type="Float32">1</field>
<field name="fHSpeedNeededToDeployWingsuit" type="Float32">0</field>
<field name="fVSpeedNeededToDeployWingsuit" type="Float32">0</field>
<field name="fDivingDistanceToWaterNeededToDeployWingsuit" type="Float32">5</field>
<field name="fFrontRayCastLength" type="Float32">10</field>
<field name="fFrontRayCastAngle" type="Float32">-35</field>



<field name="fJumpHeight" type="Float32">1.75</field>
<field name="fJumpHeightExhausted" type="Float32">1.75</field>

<field name="fGravity" type="Float32">-20</field>
<field name="fWalkingMaxSpeed" type="Float32">4</field>
<field name="fWalkingMaxSpeedCrouch" type="Float32">1.75</field>
<field name="fWalkingAcceleration" type="Float32">25</field>
<field name="fWalkingDeceleration" type="Float32">30</field>
<field name="fForwardWalkMultiplier" type="Float32">1</field>
<field name="fSprintMultiplier" type="Float32">1</field>
<field name="arkSprintCurve" type="Id64">279230760251682450</field>
<field name="fSprintingDeceleration" type="Float32">30</field>
<field name="fClickToPressForwardSprintBuffer" type="Float32">0.5</field>
<field name="fJumpFromCoverTime" type="Float32">0.25</field>
<field name="fBackwardWalkMultiplier" type="Float32">0.75</field>
<field name="fBackwardCrouchRunMultiplier" type="Float32">0.5</field>
<field name="fSwimmingDepthMin" type="Float32">0.75</field>
<field name="fSwimmingMaxSpeed" type="Float32">3</field>
<field name="fSwimmingAcceleration" type="Float32">3</field>
<field name="fSwimmingDeceleration" type="Float32">5</field>
<field name="fDivingMaxSpeed" type="Float32">3</field>
<field name="fDivingAcceleration" type="Float32">3</field>
<field name="fDivingDeceleration" type="Float32">5</field>
<field name="fSprintingTurnModifier" type="Float32">1</field>
<field name="fSprintingStrafeLimit" type="Float32">60</field>
<field name="bCanClimbLedges" type="Boolean">True</field>
<field name="fGroundClimbMinHeight" type="Float32">0.25</field>
<field name="fGroundClimbMaxHeight" type="Float32">1.78</field>
<field name="fSwimmingClimbMinHeight" type="Float32">-3</field>
<field name="fSwimmingClimbMaxHeight" type="Float32">3</field>
<field name="fJumpClimbMinHeight" type="Float32">-2</field>
<field name="fJumpClimbMaxHeight" type="Float32">0.43</field>
<field name="fJumpClimbMinHeightAboveGround" type="Float32">2</field>
<field name="fClimbWidthNeeded" type="Float32">0.5</field>
<field name="fJumpClimbMinVelocity" type="Float32">1.65</field>
<field name="fJumpClimbMaxVelocity" type="Float32">5</field>


The higher the numerical value the higher yu can jump in game. As you can see you can adjust quite a few values for yur charfacter in this section.


Is this what you were asking for?

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