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I am in dire need of a new shotgun-an awesome looking shotgun. and so i am giving YOU the public to design your very own shotgun and upload it in this forum!

If this stays popular enough im hoping to hold it for 2 weeks, and ill be checking this every second day.

Once winners are chosen, ill do my best to get the mod created.


You CANNOT just copy an actual shotgun or assault rifle.

You CANNOT just copy an actual shotgun or assault rifle and modify a couple of small things.

Link your 'inspiration' or ideas underneath your picture when posting.


Rendering is not necessary but welcome.


Top 5 will be announced at the end of the 2 weeks and i will post up the images on both the forums-image share-and when i upload the mod.


Any other questions-PM me or email me. I look forward to seeing what you guys create.

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so we, the people, get to draw up a concept boom-stick and you'll model it?

or u'll ask somebody else to model it :P ?

you'll scratch the textures too?

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so i am giving YOU the public to design your very own shotgun and upload it in this forum!


so.... what you are saying is that you are nice enough to give me the chance to do something that I have been able to do ever since this forum has been opened... wow, your such a generous person, I don't know how I could ever thank you for giveing me the shot to upload a picture of something I did onto the forum! I'm sooooooo excited, I havn't uploaded a picture in... 2 days... so I'm sooooo glad you and you infinite power are giving me the chance to upload another picture onto a forum...


buy anyways, sarcasm aside



I can design a shotgun, I can 3D model a shotgun, and I can fully texture a shotgun. What I don't do, is put things in the game. So I will make a shotgun if you will put it into the game.


but in not sure what "I will do my best to get the mod created" means...


If you don't have a deffinate way of getting my stuff in game, I won't waste my time

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same as TTW, except I can't texture.

But here:



It's called the H-BAS(Heavy Ballistic Action Shotgun)

I would put it in the game, except:

1. It's too high poly

2. I don't know how

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"so.... what you are saying is that you are nice enough to give me the chance to do something that I have been able to do ever since this forum has been opened... wow, your such a generous person, I don't know how I could ever thank you for giveing me the shot to upload a picture of something I did onto the forum! I'm sooooooo excited, I havn't uploaded a picture in... 2 days... so I'm sooooo glad you and you infinite power are giving me the chance to upload another picture onto a forum...


buy anyways, sarcasm aside



I can design a shotgun, I can 3D model a shotgun, and I can fully texture a shotgun. What I don't do, is put things in the game. So I will make a shotgun if you will put it into the game.


but in not sure what "I will do my best to get the mod created" means...


If you don't have a deffinate way of getting my stuff in game, I won't waste my time





1-Chill. People play games to unwind and this is a bit of fun.

2- To do my best to get the mod created, means ill do my best to get it done in high quality. and its a joint creation between me and a mate of mine.

3- In light of your sarcasm, i did it this way because i wast eager to scour the forums or image share. This is just a 1 click away and i can see what everyones doing.

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Shotgun, shotgun... I could pop an shotgun sketch later, tomorrow or so, though I'd rather see the rifle I've been sketching on for a while in game.

But well, an "shotagunno" it is. :thumbsup:

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Shotgun, shotgun... I could pop an shotgun sketch later, tomorrow or so, though I'd rather see the rifle I've been sketching on for a while in game.

But well, an "shotagunno" it is. :thumbsup:


you could put it up & he makes a shotgun out of it & then you change the ammo type in geck :)

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