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Video Card Problem?


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Yeah, my computer is that one from the link you sent me, but I have the desktop. http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfb/desktops/opt...cs=28&s=dfb


So now I need to upgrade my power supply too? Just how do I do that?


And I might try and find another graphics card in that case because I'm kinda on a tight budget and I'm not in the mood to upgrade my whole computer when I could just find a better card with normal quality.


But before I jump to conclusions, what do I need to know about upgrading my power supply?


Will this one do the trick?

COOLMAX V-400 400W ATX v2.01 Power Supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817159045


I'm not sure if this is exactly the part I'm looking for, but if it is, then I'm so down for getting it. I was reading the "Customer Pros and Cons" and I saw that it only lasted about 2 years. If that's the case, at least that gives me time to save up for something better.


I also found the dimensions for the NVidia GeForce 9600 GSO. The specifications state 23 X 11 X 1.9 (Metric) and the graphics cards size is (Metric) 21.5 x 11 x 1.9, x x (<--???)


and the PCIe slot for my computer is (H: 2.5" X L: 6.6") or (H: 4.2" X L: 6.6") if I convert some thing or something like that.

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You really need to know the version of PCIe you have, as well. For example, the 9600 you listed above is intended for a PCIe 2.0 slot. An ordinary PCIe slot will not do in that case.


Great. This is sweet, I'm pretty sure I have a normal PCIe slot.

So now it's back to ground zero, at least I'm understanding these things better... thanks for all your help everybody I'm very thankful.


I'm going to look into that other graphics card, otherwise, can anybody help me out by suggesting other good graphics cards? And by good I don't mean things that have to run high quality (and especially not things that require PCIe 2.0!!!), but I mean things that can run it fine and are at a reasonable price. Preferably under $100.

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Have a look in the other thread you started, we found your PC and if it's the minitower then you do have PCI-E. However you also only have a 305w power supply, that will need to be upgraded.


Wait, just a regular PCI-E right? Not 2.0?

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Your links are 404'd.


Can't really help without more information. If you have a desktop model, then you may be in luck. Otherwise, you're stuck with that video, I think.


The X1300 Pro (which the Dell site suggests) should be a sufficient upgrade for Fallout 3, provided you have the PCIe slot to put it in.


Wow, I didn't notice that suggestion before, that's pretty much what I'm looking for. All I need to do is upgrade my power supply with that Cool Max thingy, and I might be able to run it on medium. I'll look more into that one if things don't work out with the NVidia GeForce 9600 GSO.

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Well, I've finally figured it out, thanks to everyone that posted. I appreciate all of your posts, really, and I wish there was more I could do than just a simple thank you. Seriously, thanks so much this has been the biggest pain in the ass, but it would've been 10x worse without all of your help.
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