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Deathcalw with dual miniguns?


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So...Deathclaws with a pair of miniguns? I don't think it's possible in the engine. They're a monster in the files,not humanoids,and making the weapons target independently sounds like an impossibility,even with NVSE. The only reason the Legendary Bloatfly has a plasma bolt for an attack is that it's using an edited version of the normal Bloatfly's stinger fling. The Deathclaws have no such attribute to modify.

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So...Deathclaws with a pair of miniguns? I don't think it's possible in the engine. They're a monster in the files,not humanoids,and making the weapons target independently sounds like an impossibility,even with NVSE. The only reason the Legendary Bloatfly has a plasma bolt for an attack is that it's using an edited version of the normal Bloatfly's stinger fling. The Deathclaws have no such attribute to modify.

So you can't take an AI package/actor base from something else, edit them and have them use a deathclaw model, then add a couple shoulder mounted miniguns or replace the arm/hands with them on the model? Sure it might not animate right but it should be plausible.

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Well, someone made a radroach outfit, so if someone made a deathclaw outfit, you could make a NPC wearing it and give him the deathclaw voice files, but you'd have to do with one minigun, unless you made the dual one, and ofc the deathclaw armor.


If i recall the radroach one was taken from a bigger pack of monster outfits from fallout 3, but i don't know if it has a deathclaw one. still it would need to be ported and such.

Edited by koriandersES
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Yeah there is a deathclaw costume and it uses the human skeleton so it can have your normal weapons. It's really well done, but having said that it doesn't move anything like a deathclaw (because it's using the normal human animations) and even though it's rigged really well it has various problems. You can use the intelligent deathclaw lore as a base. It's pretty straight forward/easy to port since it's just a model/mesh. there is a mod that has dual SMG's doesn't actually shoot both, more cosmetic (I believe), but it's the closest your going to get.
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