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Gadgets, Tools, Devices, and... Explosives?


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In Fallout 3, you always seem to be only able to use a weapon to kill things, but it doesn't look like there is a system that lets you use tools to do things to the world... So I'm suggesting some basic tools that can be helpful in a wasteland situation.


Note that some ideas may have been already suggested, but i usually add in many details for a single idea to counter that.


Flashlights - Not every single living being in the game has access to a pipboy interface for lighting... So how DO they navigate in the dark? They don't have night vision goggles so ya... Maybe have clip-on flashlight in form of a accessory addon, for npcs and the players to light up a direction in the dark.

Also, by having a flashlight implemented into the game, you can come up with many mods to work with it, like the darker nighttime mods some people already released.


Can also work like a custom melee weapon if modeled into a nightstick, with the right mouse button to turn the light on or off. Left mouse button lets you whack a enemy while holding the flashlight on your right hand. Must need animations since the flashlight would be held horizontal to the crosshair.



Binoculars - Another Tool that is rare to find, or rather a little hard to implement. Offers better view range than scopes and allows zooming in and out. Can be outfitted with infrared, thermal, and night-vision. Offers better view screen than a scope (2x wider).

How to implement: Either a equipable weapon, with the right mouse button able to access a special zooming function, or a FOSE version which uses a binded key to use the binocular in a quicker way. Or, set up the mod so when a binocular is inside the inventory, a holstered right mouse button activates the binoculars...



C4 and remote - Basically a Remote bomb device you can use to set up traps, and allows players to use it as a tactical way to lure enemies to their demise... How it needs to work is that you can equip it, toss it like a bottlecap mine, BUT it can be stuck onto ANY surface, even on a back of a enemy! Then you either equip a remote detonator or have FOSE set it up so you can detonate it using the C4 weapon itself.

How to implement: One way to do this is have the C4 being a actual ammunition, while the bomb and detonator is the "weapon". Left click throws a c4, right click detonates them.


Radio Communication Device - This is for those who wants to expand the game so it will be possible to communicate with other npcs via a tool or device. The RCD is basically a "cellphone" that transmit and picks up radio wave, using your pipboy-3000 as a receiver. How this can work for modding is allow npcs to be called in via a reinforcement, and possible get them to meet up at a point you are targeting. The device will be set up as a equip-able weapon, so no going into the AID menu and using them to activate things... Since you can communicate with them in real time.

Might need a lot of coding but can be very rewarding if well developed.




Most of my suggestions usually implies that it might be possible to mod weapons into tools, with functions like shooting/aiming to be assigned to activate the tool.

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In Fallout 3, you always seem to be only able to use a weapon to kill things, but it doesn't look like there is a system that lets you use tools to do things to the world... So I'm suggesting some basic tools that can be helpful in a wasteland situation.


Note that some ideas may have been already suggested, but i usually add in many details for a single idea to counter that.


Flashlights - Not every single living being in the game has access to a pipboy interface for lighting... So how DO they navigate in the dark? They don't have night vision goggles so ya... Maybe have clip-on flashlight in form of a accessory addon, for npcs and the players to light up a direction in the dark.

Also, by having a flashlight implemented into the game, you can come up with many mods to work with it, like the darker nighttime mods some people already released.


Can also work like a custom melee weapon if modeled into a nightstick, with the right mouse button to turn the light on or off. Left mouse button lets you whack a enemy while holding the flashlight on your right hand. Must need animations since the flashlight would be held horizontal to the crosshair.



Binoculars - Another Tool that is rare to find, or rather a little hard to implement. Offers better view range than scopes and allows zooming in and out. Can be outfitted with infrared, thermal, and night-vision. Offers better view screen than a scope (2x wider).

How to implement: Either a equipable weapon, with the right mouse button able to access a special zooming function, or a FOSE version which uses a binded key to use the binocular in a quicker way. Or, set up the mod so when a binocular is inside the inventory, a holstered right mouse button activates the binoculars...



C4 and remote - Basically a Remote bomb device you can use to set up traps, and allows players to use it as a tactical way to lure enemies to their demise... How it needs to work is that you can equip it, toss it like a bottlecap mine, BUT it can be stuck onto ANY surface, even on a back of a enemy! Then you either equip a remote detonator or have FOSE set it up so you can detonate it using the C4 weapon itself.

How to implement: One way to do this is have the C4 being a actual ammunition, while the bomb and detonator is the "weapon". Left click throws a c4, right click detonates them.


Radio Communication Device - This is for those who wants to expand the game so it will be possible to communicate with other npcs via a tool or device. The RCD is basically a "cellphone" that transmit and picks up radio wave, using your pipboy-3000 as a receiver. How this can work for modding is allow npcs to be called in via a reinforcement, and possible get them to meet up at a point you are targeting. The device will be set up as a equip-able weapon, so no going into the AID menu and using them to activate things... Since you can communicate with them in real time.

Might need a lot of coding but can be very rewarding if well developed.




Most of my suggestions usually implies that it might be possible to mod weapons into tools, with functions like shooting/aiming to be assigned to activate the tool.


Ah, C4, what a wonderful device! I'd love that! The radio is an excellent idea. When you really think about it, they should have designed the pipboy with one (In case of a Vault emergency, and no time to get to the vault speaker system).


Whacking someone with a pair of binoculars would be useless, yet fun to annoy npcs.

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Um, sorry to be the bringer of bad news

Flashlight: The flashlight wouldn't work because Fo3 has no directional lighting

Binocs: There's already a mod that lets you zoom in and out with scopes, but binoculars would be cool because they're lighter.

C4: There is a remote mine mod, but it's not as good as what you're suggesting (I love creating distractions :)

RCD: Sounds cool, I was thinking about this once.

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I want to bump this for the sake of the binoculars at least...


For the zooming in and out part, that still make it a scoped weapon thing, A binocular is used for scouting enemies and can come with several features not offered with a scope:


1) It is wider so you can see more area.

2) It has infrared, nightvision, and thermal, for detecting enemy signatures.

3) It also has the ability to trace enemies and make them appear in your compass longer for a time limit when out of range.

4) It should be able to zoom and look further than a scope, if technologically good enough.


IT can be implemented to work alongside a holstered right mouse zoom with any weapon, as long as a binocular item is held in the misc inventory. So it ends up being a upgrade to your zooming feature when holstered.

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Hello :)


I'd like to add things like screwdrivers to the world. Man cannot live on wrench alone! If I knew anything about the coding side I'd have a go at some advanced binos but the ones I hope to implement would unfortunately not offer variable zoom or thermal/night vision. They'd just be a reskin of Scope01.NIF and the scoped magnum, like my Sniper Scope mod:





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A few other ideas:


1). A telescope - probably easier to implement than binoculars since it would basically be a regular scope without a gun. Could have a cheap version that is in fact the scope taken off of a broken weapon.


2). Professor Atomics Thinking Cap - A prop from an old pre-war childrens show. It has a big light bulb on the top that shines brightly... maybe it could be tied in with the Pipboys button so that it is normally dark but turns on when you get a 'bright idea' provides a +5 to science... may of may not include annoying flashing lights and sounds that ruin any chance of stealth.


3). Nuclear Glowsticks - Another pre-war toy or survival tool. They function alot like regular glowsticks in that they glow all over, but they are in fact powered by a built in microfusion cell that can provide power for several hundred years use. They can be used like a club.


4). Explodium Rod - looks deceptivly similar to the above glowstick but is in fact a radioactive rod with its own personal lead container. You don't get any rads if you put it in your inventory but if you equip it as a weapon you get a steady amount of rads as long as you hold it out of your container. You can use it as a club but there is a one in two chance that the rod will explode like a mini-nuke if you hit something with it.


5). Metal Detector - a device that tell you when a metal object is nearby (probably a pain to implement)


6). Corpse Detecting Dog - for those times when your lose count of how many enemies you killed and where they fell, send out your corpse detecting dog to drag one back to you (it ignores ones that are right next to you).


7). Compass - does nothng since you have a Pipboy, but is probably useful to wastelanders.


8). Flare Gun - a gun that shoots flares that explode high in the air, could probably be used to attract regulators to help you or something if you are outside. Can also be used as a pretty nifty weapon that catches enemies on fire... or for creating fireworks displays.


9). Lighter - does nothing (or maybe can be equipped to shed a small amount of light and trigger gas filled rooms) can be used as a component to make a home made grenade lancher (with a pipe, aresol can, and paint gun... its basically a potato gun that shoots grenades).


10). Crowbar - melee weapon that can also be used to pry open locked doors... cause putting ranks in lockpicking is for nerds.


11). Blasting caps - explosives that can be put into locks to blast them open.


12). Portable bear traps - like the regular bear traps you see but smaller and can be picked up and reused. May get damaged after each use and be less effective (or not, I'm not sure if mines can be at less than 100% condition without messing up the way the weapons work). They would mainly deal damage to the targets legs.


13). Caltops - tiny four-pronged spikes that can be quickly dumped on the floor to cripple the legs of anyone walking directly over them. Could be a home made weapon using bits of wire, radscorpion venom, a bent tin can (to keep them in until dumped), and maybe a wrench..


14). Portable oven - used to cook various meats


15). Animal Bait - attracts animals to one spot where you either lay in ambush or have trap right there. Made using various different bits of meat mixed together.


16). Tin-foil Hat - protects the user from the robobrains mind blast and the mesmotron.

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There's a link to some binoculars I've made. They're not great, simply because of the limitations of the game engine. It actually crops your field of view to a square in the middle of your screen when you zoom in, so the binoculars' field of view can only ever be as wide as the sniper scope's, more's the pity :confused:

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Cool, good thing that a binocular was added... Maybe you could bypass that dang fov cropping by modifying the zoom button when your holstered?

Apparantly without mods, if you hold a sniper rifle but holstered it, it will allow you to zoom a little. Wonder if you can modify it so you can zoom further with the weapon holstered...

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