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Continuously falling maxcarryweight


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I started to observe a continuous drop in max carry weight even going well into the negative by the thousands. When I saw a negativ max carry weight for the first time, I tried to simply adjust it via console, but then observed that when just closing and reopening the inventory, it was already down by 30-50 points, and continued to drop over time, giving me constant game messages about being too encumbered to run.


Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?

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There are mods which make your carry weight change depending on different things, I use Realistic Needs & Diseases which lowers it if I don't eat, sleep & drink for example.


The original drop of 30-50 may have been caused by a similar mod and then when you changed it via console, you may have completely screwed it up.


As Ripple said, if possible revert to a save before using the console, if not then you may need to start a new game...

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I know that RND lowers max carry weight, but by a specific amount, not steadily using more. I checked the character active effects before and after this started and didn't see any effect that might explain it. I ended up going back several savegames and have been able to continue from there. I have a suspicion what mod could have been responsible, but have been focussing on repeating the activities lost to the reversion first.

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