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I cant seem to find a certain mod


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Well its a simple request/search for the mod thread. I was looking up some mods for nude models when the player takes the clothes of them, and i only found a mod for women models. Now.... is there a mod out there that does the same for male models but doesnt add them having a huge boner (like Seducing Women mod). I'm only asking for realism sakes, cause i don't want to kill a raider or BoS and find them aroused that I killed them... so is there a mod that adds male models with just pubic hair and un-aroused. If there isnt any I will just stick with the vanilla shirt and shorts. Thanks for the time :)
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yeah, it affects all raiders, I guarantee you

I use it in combination with Breeze's Male body version and all raiders and talon mercs have boxers :P cuz I use the worksafe version... but I don't actually have a work place, I just do it for my personal taste... cuz I'm not GAY!

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... I just do it for my personal taste... cuz I'm not GAY!

A heterosexual man who is confident in his sexuality neither becomes aroused nor embarrassed at the sight of male nudity, and doesn't need to publicly state the fact that he is not gay, especially when no one has asked, imho.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not defending anything, since nobody's has formally accused me of anything.

however, not being gay is a strong factor in choosing not to use the "boner" version of this mod. people don't use the erection mod because they might have kids at home, others might find themselves in a "workplace", others are just offended by nudity.


my reason is that I find it queer for a male player to embellish his gaming experience and enjoy loads of rooster (not his, may I add, but others') onscreen, being swung around like at a gay pornfest. this is not a pornographic video game and It's not the type of thing I'd want to see in real life either.


I'm not embarrassed or aroused, but rather grossed, any person should be able to avoid grossing triggers if possible.


and what's wrong with clearing the air on one's sexual orientation? so many heterosexuals turning metrosexual becoming bisexual or homosexuals nowadays, it's curious we're still perpetuating the species at such a high rate. It's perfectly fine to say "I'm proud to be Gay" but it's out of place if someone says "I'm not gay" ?


meh this doesn't really matter on the internet anyway, but let's not assume who is what and claim hidden reasons behind somebody's post, just for the sake of cohabitation.


and simonjester, the bump was really not necessary, but I didn't see BadPenney's post before, so ... here's my pointless rant on that.

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1. This isn't the place to debate sexuality, The Debate section of thenexusforums is where you should take it.

2. There is modded nudity in the game, you don't like it, then don't download it. If you want to talk about it see #1.

3. They way you came off saying your not gay sounded more insulting than just stating it. The very fact you capitalized the word "gay" just made it more prominent.


Anyway, Raiders love war/pillaging/raping/anything chaotic oriented. I can see them getting an errection in the heat of combat. Same with the women being aroused


You should of just used the serach function in the fallout3nexus.com site using Models and Textures as the area and "Male" as the word to look for.


Instead you come on here and that happened


oh well

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