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Shopkeeping mod...


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Heya, not trying to Hi-jack your thread here. I had a similar idea that I thought I'd post.


Play as a Merchant


To the Point:


Allow players to RP as a true merchant with their own shop. Own a shop and place items on shelves. NPC/AI and game traveling merchants would enter your shop, buy various items and leave. Read more for expanded ideas.


Concept Background:


From Morrowwind to oblivon I've enjoyed having extreme amounts of weapon and armour stock. I'd display them as much as I could.. then I'd fill up chests until items I put in them wouldn't even show up anymore. No matter what kind of main-role I was playing I always pictured myself as a collecting merchant.


In Fallout there are more items you can stock up on than you can shake a stick at. It would be awesome to actually be able to play as a store-owning merchant. Farming your loot and then going and selling is an every-day enjoyable thing. But having to place your stock on several shelves and having NPC's buy them is even better.


The true point is item stocking and displaying. The enjoyment (for myself) would be placing all kinds of items on shelves and sorting through them with purpose.


Ideas and Thoughts:


The "Shop" could be in various forms. Outdoor encampments, In-Door shops in the middle of know where, and shops in the middle of towns and cities.


A player could set up his own shop in various locations, similar to the Real Time Settler Mod. Merchants and desperate AI would travel mile after mile risking life and limb trying to reach this treasure shop! Speed/Health modifications would need to be in place to avoid being killed in the wilderness.


Player could possibly be able to arrange and move around shelves and display tables, things of that nature.


Megaton entrance could be a sweet place to set up 8 or 10 metal shelves to do this.


For balance, certain Merchants and AI could only be reaching out for certain items. You don't want one merchant to stop and purchase every thing at once.


Certain percentage chance per-day/x hours for a Item(s) to be stolen.


Certain percentage chance for a Faction to reclaim an item they call their own. Kinda like the outcasts at the Fort who will reclaim Outcast Power Armour if you have it on you when trading for Stimpacks or Radaway.


If the player has control over the location of the shop there could be a percentage of full raids from bandits if the shop is close enough to a hideout.


Imagine everyone gets the point by now. Any feedback would be cool, handle honesty very well. :)


Peace, thanks for reading!



The mod would be Epic if someone did successfully make this. A drawback though, players will get bored with it quickly, too repetitive. I've always wondered why NPCs never really buy any stuff from merchants, they'll just be walking around in the shop, sit, walk out. Same goes for Oblivion.

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  • 1 year later...
I made a request simular to this, stupid me didn't check as good as I thought. Anyway if there is anyone making a store mod, there was an excellent shop mod made for Oblivion and so perhaps it might be a good resource, especially for scripts. The mod can be found on the nexus Here. I think this would be an epic mod for FO3 just because of the sheer abundance of stuff. One thing that should also be included would be something substantial to buy with all those earned caps, such as buying tenpenny tower for 500K or something. Edited by yosecretsquirrel
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  • 10 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hello folks,


I came in to see if there was any mod like this, similar to the ones available for The Elder Scrolls games.



heyy_adrian's description sounds perfect, but has anyone made progress or even started such a mod?

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