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Two words "ACME Quest"


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Okay I have been thinking what would be one good quest that everyone would enjoy...


What if there was a quest where you could travel to a big factory and find a factory thats trapped and loaded with super mutants and the factory is an ACME company. Where you can find a factory floor with tons of machines that have random things on them.


But thats not all thats there its actually a super mutant transforming plant. And you have to stop all of the super mutants and destroy the machine that transforms them.


If you complete the quest you get a machine in your house that lets you make some useless items

ACME Machine 3000

Teddy bear

Coffee Mug

Cherry Mentats

Nuka Cola

Tin Can

Frag Mine

)Spawns Radroach(


About the Radroach there could be a terminal in the factory that says that the company has discovered cloning so they could start making humans


What do you think

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