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Night Stalker.


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<ooc This Nord has LOW intelligence  >

OCC:Really?! :o I didn´t notice. :)

"were is this place Yogor? Will you lead us there?"



Yogor replies "I don't want to show you but I will tell you where to go. Follow the road out to the farm and take the left fork at the gate. Contniue down the left fork untill you get to a small wooden gate. Use the key and then find the river .Once at the river follow it north and the cave entrance can be easly spotted upstream."


<ooc Alright guys Im going to be pulling some 15 hour days for the next 4 days so the RP rules change. Rules "reset" to normal. All I ask is that things are kept in the "Morrowind Style" of RP. Ill play the "mysterious" character in the cave. You can control the NPCs as you see fit <keep it realistic :D >. Other than the current workload Im faced with the fact remains is that the story is now set into place and the party is on its way. Once again you guys are doing great. Have fun and see you in the cave B) HeLLL>

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OK, then with that set of rules, Avelyn FINALLY reaches the cave that he was heading to the whole time. Infront of him are small doors, much like the ones at eggmines. He pushes his way through and wanders through the caves for a while. Every once in a while he hears a *puff puff*(like steam centurions) in the distance. The lack of life in these caves scare him. After about an hour of wandering around, he comes to Two great locked dwemer doors.


"Oh great. I got to the doors, and, of cours, no key"


Avelyn slouches to the ground and waits for the other people in the town to find him.

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"There's no reason to stand around outside waiting for something to ambush us, I say we go inside, inspect it a little ways and then see about making a plan," Damian continues, with an aire as though he has been in this situation many times before, "then we can figure out what to do. If it is a rather large area then splitting up is always an option; though most of us would at least claim we don't need help," he grins softly.


Sensing the eagerness of the others to go romping around the dungeon he pauses for a second and looks at the other party members with a suspecting glare, "Just don't let this get out of hand, I require no treasure beyond artifacts that will further my studies and whatever my hands touch first. The rest you all can split among yourselves.....I'm rich enough," he claims, arrogantly.

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