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Night Stalker.


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Hey Guys Im going to lock this thread now. This RP has gone on for way to long and is basically at the end B) The gist of events are as follows:


Yogor and the dunmer oy stumbled upon some dwemer ruins. After looking around a it they saw this lever and decided to pull it. In doing so it started up all the dwemer machines again and the production of dwemer creatures began. The ogre was awaken by the noise and sent forth the minions to cause general havoc on the townsfolk <as he had done previously some years back>. Yogor and the boy decided to never tell anyone there little secret and hopefully it would go away. It didn't <hence you where called in to investigate>. The boy how ever decided that he would take a little peek once again at the ruins and was attacked by the dwemer and stumled into town to tell Yogor about <among other things he was to deliev a note to the group> it.


Im sorry this RP wasn't as the same calibre of Golden Horn. I kind of had an imagination "block". Thanks guys for posting sorry about the crappy ending ut its better to end it like this then let it drag on.





<any coments/crticism/whateva just PM me B) >

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