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Nude "Pet" Slave Clover


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I guess a mod that automatically re-sizes your character regardless of clothing would be too complicated...


I wonder if they have specific outfits from the game with increases breast size modded to be present regardless of actual equipment...


The shape of the character is determined 100% by the outfit mesh


so the only way would be to make a new outfit mesh for every outfit




you could however create an outfit mesh with as big of boobs as you want, and as long as you were wearing that outfit they would be big, but they would go back to normal size once you picked up a different outfit or whatever




but the body replacer itself only affects a nude character, not any of the clothes meshes

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I wonder if they have specific outfits from the game with increases breast size modded to be present regardless of actual equipment...

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here, like a slider that can enhance cup size for body & clothing? I never heard of a mod like that.




I really doubt it would be anywhere near possible to do that in the Fallout engine, there just isn't a system that would stretch the mesh to different sizes, like they have in games like Soul Caliber 4's character creation (and even in that game it only gives you an overall option, not for specific body parts and such)


It is one of those things that for a professional game studio would be a challenge, and for modders working with a limited game engine pretty much immpossible


It would be awesome to have, just not really possible with the current resources

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