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DLC armory


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I was looking for a mod that would add a armory for all the DLC items kinda like this one >Armory Link< tried to find one, i would really prefer that it doesnt take over that mod (uses the Megaton Armory) since i do like some of the items in that mod, i dont pay any mind to the common house or the atom church, i also tried to make my own but keep getting errors, i like having the items on shelves, but boxes would be fine too, like box of grenades, ammo, big guns, ect ect, and lots of ammo
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It might be possible if the DLCs were ESPs and not ESMs, but unless I'm mistaken, you can only load a single ESM file at a time. So, if thats the case, you wouldn't be able to get all of them in a single file. You could however make several different ones, and just place them all in one area in different spots, but I don't know how that would effect everything.
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You can load multiple master files. Just go to the Fallout 3 documents folder (usually in My Documents/Games), open the document GECKCustom, and set bAllowMultipleMasterLoads to 1. That'll allow you to make the DLC armory.
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