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Fallout 3 City Creator ( PC )


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We'd all probably like to see a mod where we could build our own city or hideout in the dc ruins, varying from trap doors. to big castles. with every protection there is. with all modded item or all items from the game. every house structure created could be put together for a sneaky hideout or a big open area of your own. and maybe a commander with it to tell he guards what to do. like loot ammo/food/survivors to join the army.


hope you like the idea and can somebody please attempt to create this mod. i would be glad to see this out there for behalf of pc players speaking as a 360 fan myself. :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

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What the hell is this "GECK"? Ar har har. I'm just kidding. TTW is quite right, you can do any of that stuff in the GECK. And if you are too lazy, check out the mod RTS - Real Time Settler. It's a pretty good mod.
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