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can't use mods, can't access datafiles


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Alright, so I may or may not of illegally downloaded oblivion off bittorrent, I am putting the "may or may not" for legal purposes, I am a owner of oblivion for pc, but I lost the cd and uninstalled years ago, I also own it for ps3 regular and I bought GTOY so don't give me the whole "your a bad person" speech. =] but i've grown addicted to it for my ps3 and now want mod's so i downloaded it on my computer, and the launcher won't allow me access to datafiles or just about anything. All the options besides oblivion.com or what ever the website is are grey'd out. I can start the game and do all the quest's I just can't turn on any of the mod's. Am I missing something? or are these options blocked because theres no cd in my computer? Please assist me if at all possible.




Too late!

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Moderator Note:


No speeches, just a few statements of fact.


If you pirate the game go back to where you got it from and ask your questions there.


We have a zero tolerance policy on this site for piracy or pirates.


User banned.




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