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About removing the “invisible gore” from armors in NifSkope


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I play with gore disabled, so in my armors I don’t need the NiTriShapes named “bodymeat”, “headmeat”, etc, that are invisible except when die with gore options. But I leave those pieces in my armors just in case...


But now I am adapting my personal armor and I don’t care to see what happens if they hit my character, so in my personal armor I am thinking to remove those pieces of gore using NifSkope, to “optimize” my armor (also I am tired to see my armor segmented any time I open it in NifSkope).


First question is if in the future I regret I can recover these pieces from other armor, right?


Another question is if removing those pieces could cause known stability problems, or with other mods, or anything I can’t imagine right now.

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Removing meatparts from your armor won't cause any issues with other mods, no.


I have created several addons with essential NPCs/companions and so, there's no reason for their gear to have gore bits as they will never die/get dismembered. Unless I plan to create a playable version of their armors, I don't include the meatparts in those kinds of armors and its never caused an issue.


Though personally, I'd remove them in Blender or Max myself. I'm not 100% sure if removing them with "Block > Remove Branch" in Nifskope would cause issues with stability.

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