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Unable to manually install mods.


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I'm new to the nexus, so please forgive me if I make blatant errors. I never use the download manager, I would always download manually then add the mod from the downloaded file. However, I sometimes encounter an issue where the mod would pause while loading into the manager from the file. Once it pauses, I can't resume, I can't remove it from the loading queue, and trying to redownload does absolutely nothing. I've tried renaming the file, redownloading from the nexus, converting the file to other forms, but to no avail it remain in stasis. This effects several of the mods I've tried to downlaod, and only really irritates me by this point since I've run into the problem with some mods I REALLY want to have. I would install the mods by dropping it in directly, but with previous experience even trying to follower the instructions as closely as possible, I've corrupted my entire game that way.


If anyone could help, that would be much appreciated.

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Please post this query in the forums dedicated to the game you're talking about, or in the "Open Beta Feedback" forum.
I would have moved it for you, but you gave ZERO indication of which game of the over 70 the Nexus currently supports that might be. :dry:

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