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Falmer Legacy


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I sux at modding. I am able to mod existing NPCs but that's about it. Yet I have this vision of a haven for the Dovahkiin that would require creating an entire area + the house(s) + the scripts to activate it in the first place + all the functionalities inside the house and it's simply too much. So is there anyone here who likes a challenge and would attempt to bring this to life?




The Idea is this:



In the Tower of Mzark you come across some obscure reference to a hidden vale intended to be a last redoubt for the Snow Elves during the last stages of their war against the Atmoran invaders, ancestors of the Nords. However when their civilization collapsed and they agreed to become slaves to the Dwemer, their new masters soon learned the secret location of that vale and they, in turn, began preparing the area for their own use. But not long after, the Aetherium Wars erupted and the 'hidden vale project' was abandoned. Only a lone tower, built at the sole exit of the hidden vale was completed, on the rocky ledge overlooking the valley...


This first clue would be followed by others found in several Dwemer ruins, the Winterhold College Library, etc. All pointing to an area in southern Falkreath where the player would find a cavern leading to an old Dwemer gate. Behind the gate is an elevator that leads to the tower above, high in the mountains. Once unlocked, the Gate Tower allows the player to enter the hidden valley (inspired by both Tolkien's Imladris & the Silver Fish Grotto mod) - so surrounded by a wall of mountains (between Skyrim & Cyrodiil) - just like Gondolin was a protected vale in the Encircling Mountains of Beleriand.


The tower would thus open on a terrace, called the Overlook, dominating the entire valley. To the West, a large tear shaped lake teaming with life and surrounded by forestlands. To the East, rolling farmlands nestled in the bents of the river flowing in the middle of the vale. In the distance you see a hilly promontory jutting out of the mountain wall and split in two by the faraway waterfall feeding the valley floor river. The hills are crowned with Falmer ruins. A stairway leads down the Overlook towards a dirt path that splits to go either towards the forest or the farmlands.



Upon reaching the hilly promontory, the character would have to face and defeat an Elder Dragon. Once that is done he could then explore the shell of the Falmer Mansion left above. He could then go to Windhelm and Solitude to hire a foreman ad workers to transform this into the perfect hideout for the Dovahkiin.

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