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sauron armor


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@Tony the Wookie


Yea, but if one of us "simple mortals" put on armor like his while wearing the ring we'd go invisible. lol.


I like this idea. A lot. Even if it doesn't fit fallout that well. I mean, neither do lightsabers, but I've got one. XD

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someone can convert the one from oblivion to Fallout 3, but that would require a lot of hard work, if this even happens, don't expect it to come out soon. plus, don't forget all those problems from Pip-Boy clipping and dismemberment issues... o_O




someone can make this armor "From Scratch" which would be a totally dumb Idea for a modder that has the skills, I think they would rather keep up with the lore than put a large amount of time making this. :down:

or, if they don't think it's a dumb Idea, they might make it, and they might release it after a long long time of modelling, possibly 4 months or so... :ermm:

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