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Wanting to get Halo Armor in Fallout 3.


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I want to get the masterchief armor from Halo into fallout 3 but I don't have any idea on doing that. I have basic GECK knowledge but I don't know where to find a model with textures that I could get into Fallout 3. Anyone know where shoudl I start and know any tutorials on getting armor into fallout 3? I am willing to do the work aslong as I have some type of guide/directions. I know there was a mod in the making to get the MAsterChief armor in game but it seems to have been discontinued. Thanks in advance =)
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properly rigging unrigged armor meshes as complex as that takes an extreeeeeeme amount of skill, patience and scrutiny. If you have never skinned anything before, you are in for an insane shock at just how f'ing much work it is. There is a reason why rigging is usually left for only the seasoned professionals or hardcore enthusiasts, it is just such an involved process. The most complex and involved task in 3d, period... aside from programming that is...


its not... hard.... but it has to be done right, if it isnt, it looks pretty awful. There are no 'okay' skinning jobs, only really great ones and really poor ones.

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fully rigging a mesh to a skeleton is complicated. rigging it to a custom rig? More complicated. Getting it thru nifskope and working ingame? ... you see where im going with this :)


not trying to dissuade you from the challenge of rigging for games... but... just know what you are getting yourself into. Many and more have gone down that road, and all but the slim few actually get there, without turning back. Heck ive only skinned one full body mesh in the past year for a reason lol. The process sucks and will suck the life out of you lol.

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fully rigging a mesh to a skeleton is complicated. rigging it to a custom rig? More complicated. Getting it thru nifskope and working ingame? ... you see where im going with this :)


not trying to dissuade you from the challenge of rigging for games... but... just know what you are getting yourself into. Many and more have gone down that road, and all but the slim few actually get there, without turning back. Heck ive only skinned one full body mesh in the past year for a reason lol. The process sucks and will suck the life out of you lol.



For me rigging is sort of like having a decayed tooth pulled. You know you got to get it done, but you rue the day you will have to do it. And once it’s done it’s a great relief. You are proud to have gotten through it without losing your sanity.

@ Dampninja. Lucky for you I had the tooth pulled for you.

Check out the trailer here.





Read the description and follow the download link.

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HOLY S****, i thought i was goning to wait like another two years for skrees mod to come out, but no!, now i can finally start putting more work into the weapons that i had modeled a while back.
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lol yeah pwnedbyscope, i didnt expect an early release of Junins mod so soon. Actually i've been looking around the forums and it looked like he released it yesterday, and thats when i wanted the armor really bad xD


i guess i should spend more time on the forums to find what im looking for.



My List of mods i'd really like to get :


Master Chief Armor * (theres no check mark so ill put a star.. xD)

UNSC standard Marine armor

All Halo Weapons

ODST Armor

All covenant weapons from halo ,2 3, including plasma grenades

A shield generator of some sort for Master Chiefs armor * (i haven't tested it yet but i'll put a star for now, maybe its really good)

Cortana ...somehow..no idea how she could be implemented into the game.

Some sort of headset+microphone+goggles combination for the UNSC Marines. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry1260842



Skrees mod may very well contain all of those actually. And even more. Although Cortana will be in his mod, theres no way you can interact with her i assume.. and she wont be installed into your Pit boy or something. But Skrees mod is a looong way.

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