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Auriel's Quiver


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Ohh, you're doing the crossbow too? Sweet~

It looks awesome already.


I know that feeling. Once you start modding, you're never done. Don't starve your kids though lol. XD


I actually started working on U653748's sword myself. There's a lot of texture work to be done since it seems to have been made from scratch rather than using pieces of the bow. It's not particularly difficult, just time-consuming. I might take a crack at the longsword when I'm done.

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If you want to take a crack at the longsword, i can send you the PSD so you can see how i pieced it together. The hilt, handle, and pommel were all made from the bow and shield, then the blade is glamdring's blade (Isilmeriel made an amazing glamdring, might be able to get persmission from him to use the blade).

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