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I really need help: Fallout inexplicably crashes randomly


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So this problem started up about a week or so ago and seems to just keep getting worse (with no foreseeable way of fixing it.) I was running fallout like usual with my mods and fose running, and then it suddenly crashed. The screen froze and I was forced to start up the task manager and end my fallout game. This happened a couple of times until I realized this was more than just a couple of glitchy moments and there was a serious problem. Checked to see if any mods conflicted and they didn't. I uninstalled then installed fallout, tried to run it again, and after about 20-30 minutes or so of gameplay it froze once more. I then decided to delete a couple of my mods that seemed like they could be the culprit for causing the crashes (graphical mods and some of the higher end ones like Mutant mobs and so on). The game inevitably crashed again after a certain amount of gameplay. To hasten this story a little I ended up deleting every single mod, fose, and re-installing the game after that (I made sure every file besides the essentials were gone by deleting my entire fallout mods and main folder contents once I deleted the game cache via steam.) The problem to my surprise still persisted.


I am running an r9 280x graphics card which should look at this game and scoff at it in terms of running it flawlessly. I haven't done any critical updates on my computer in a while so that isn't the issue either.


I have an r9 280x graphics card that runs Skyrim on max settings flawlessly for hours even with a plethora of mods installed (highly demanding mods I might add), but when playing fallout 3 for more than a half hour eventually crashed every single time without fail. This is the vanilla fallout game. Please if someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong (which I don't think I am) or has any helpful tips they could send my way, I would GREATLY appreciate it.

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scottym23 - Hello!

Random freezing in Fallout 3 is almost always down to the multi core bug.

Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

There is a fix, quicksilverva mentioned part of it, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

The one you want to change is:

For XP:

My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

For Vista & Win7:

Documents\My Games\Fallout3

The file you want will be called:


Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




& insert this line under it:


Save & close your ini.


Make sure you make the changes to the above mentioned FALLOUT.ini as there's one in the Fallout 3 folder called Fallout_default.ini that's often mistaken for the main .ini & making the change to that won't fix the problem as the Fallout_default.ini is only a sort of backup for when the .ini gets recreated.

Hope this helps!


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