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Visual Drugs


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Visual Drugs


This is adult/mature because the thematic (but no nudity in)

WARNING: don't use this mod if you have any EPILEPTIC problems!



This mod adds to every drug, medic, alcohol, Nuka Cola Quantum, radiation and withdraw syndrom a visual effect. Overdosing with drugs makes by some drugs the visual effect stronger. This mod adds 2 custom drugs: Smokeherb and NTC. I tried to make the visual effects of the standart drugs not to overhelmed so that the gameplay doesn't get messed up (except NTC :D)


By using Jet you can run faster (up to +130% depending from Jet level and AP) but it costs ActionPoints (but not by sneaking).


The NTC drug is different than the other drugs, it sends the player on a psychedelic trip with visual and audio hallucinations. This drug doesn't start immediatly, it will take some time to start and if it starts, the player get smooth higher and higher and after that the player get smooth down (sometimes it takes over 30min). Every NTC drug is randomly strong, so the player can get randomly with one NTC same high as with two. By taking 2 NTCs or more the player can get overdosed, but it will take time to find this out. On higher levels the flashes are stronger, the trip is longer and sometimes the player get a light fainting fit. The visual flashes aren't static, they are some single effects randomly combined (like a screensaver) and they aren't all the time active. On this trip the player gets the illusion the time is slower and that he can jump longer, so it can happen that the player is jumping like an idiot from one stone to another stone :)


This mod will be (hopefuly) released in some few days.


All screenshots are taken at a high NTC level.
















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