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Shopkeeper Mod


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So, I made a fairly simple house for sale mod, a witch's house and magic shop in Skingrad, to teach myself a bit about quests and scripting. I'm thinking my next experiment will be to append a second quest to it that causes customers to sometimes show up looking for certain items to wanting to have their fortune told.


My plan is to make a stable of NPCs that just hang out in inns around Skingrad most of the time, but periodically will wander over to the witch's house and idle for a few hours, or until you give them what they want. What I don't want to do, though, is make my house mod's cell a public space or otherwise risk compromising my precious stored goods. My question is as follows:


If I make a new faction, and set that faction as ownership to the witch's house (the new house I modded in), in addition to ownership by Player, and then make the NPCs part of that faction, will they be able to enter the house if it is not flagged as public? And will that prevent them from bogarting my edible alchemy ingredients?

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So, I made a fairly simple house for sale mod, a witch's house and magic shop in Skingrad, to teach myself a bit about quests and scripting. I'm thinking my next experiment will be to append a second quest to it that causes customers to sometimes show up looking for certain items to wanting to have their fortune told.


My plan is to make a stable of NPCs that just hang out in inns around Skingrad most of the time, but periodically will wander over to the witch's house and idle for a few hours, or until you give them what they want. What I don't want to do, though, is make my house mod's cell a public space or otherwise risk compromising my precious stored goods. My question is as follows:


If I make a new faction, and set that faction as ownership to the witch's house (the new house I modded in), in addition to ownership by Player, and then make the NPCs part of that faction, will they be able to enter the house if it is not flagged as public? And will that prevent them from bogarting my edible alchemy ingredients?

The public flag only applies to the cell, not any of the objects in that cell. The cell ownership applies ownership over every object in that cell unless manually set.

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