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How about a map that's you can see?


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Overall Skyrim is far better than Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas with respect to quality and crashes and such.


I have one major complaint... The map SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! Everything is obscured by clouds all the time. The only thing I can get from it is, okay to get from X to Y I have to go Northeast. But what I can't see is there's a freaking mountain in the middle.


I've tried three different map mods, one of them did add roads that I could vaguely see..


Would be nice to have something like this in game:



If there's already a mod that resolves this issue please mention it. If there's an ingame setting I've missed, feel free to call me a noob as long as you tell me where that setting is.



I white screen with icons on it isn't my idea of a "map".

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