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Vault 88 (Big mod)


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vault 88, which is the official military vault. To get in you have to deliver (and detonate) a bomb to the 'sister' vault that is vault 89, their intelligence post that has become over run by super mutants, to prove your alliegence. you then inform them of the raiders, which you then go and assault the nearby raider settlement, with Constatine Chases direct relative and vault overseer, Jacob Chase.




Skill items. ie:

Level 99 sneak awards you a hood and cloak combo that makes you invisible whilst standing up and running and 100 throwing knives.

Level 99 melee weapons gives you 'The Blaze carver', A heated up katana that does immense damage and ignores DR.

Level 99 unarmed gives you 'Liberties Right arm' which covers the whole arm and has the (gauss rifle) knockback effect and (tesla Cannon) tesla damage effect when it does.

Level 99 small guns gives you a 'Grenade Launcher'.

Level 99 Big guns gives you the 'Scatter Shot' basically a minigun with shotgun that takes shotgun shells. (Riot breaker much, anyone?)

Level 99 Energy weapons gives you the 'Tesla Rifle', a tesla themed rifle that shoots lightning and can be chained around enemies and friendlies. Does insane damage.

Level 99




'The Pig', fallout version of m60. (U)

'Gatling Plasma', self explanitory

'The gooifier', unique gatling plasma (U)

'Experimental Javelin', a three barrelled Fatman Minigun. (U)

'Massacareer', a claymore (sword, not explosive)

'Sadists rifle' a long range assault rifle

'Chinese sniper rifle'

'Chinese Missile launcher'




Vault 88 Jumpsuit

Vault 88 Power Armour

Vault 88 Heavy Power armour (40k artificer Armour, basically)

Vault 88 beast armour (40k Terminator Armour, basically)

Vault 89 Jumpsuit

Raider Gimp armour

Raider salvager armour

Raider tank Armour

Raider Frenzy armour




Vault 88

Vault 88 Silo

raider Outpost

raider Camp




Jacob Chase (V88)

Milo August (V88)

Kurt Kane (V88)

Regonald Smith (V89) (British guy with magnum :biggrin: )

Vault 88 Soldier

Vault 88 Wife

Vault 88 child

Vault 88 armour master


Raider Massachist


brainwashed Wastlelanders (frenzied)



for listening

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