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Coyotes played a part in Fallout previously, and as one of the most adaptive mammals in North America, it's fair to say they deserve to get back in the game. All it would require would be some slight mesh alterations on the average Scavenger's dog:


(From Poncratias' DAV - Dogs mod)




As far as what's foreseeable, it would only really take a more bushy tail and wider fur around the collar. After that, the same animations would likely work, and someone like WatersMoon110 could probably pick up the texturing.


Statistically, Coyotes wouldn't differ from the average, hostile wild/feral dog, with the exception that they'd probably be a bit faster, have slightly more health, and have a large tendency to flee if detecting someone creeping too close (with the exception of being attacked).


Can anybody spend a couple hours on this?

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