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Van Buren Project


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Hello everyone, let me introduce myself...

I'm a great fan of the Fallout Saga, since the first game...

I've got an idea for a Fallout 3 mod based on the canceled project of Black Isle, the projet Van Buren (this was the codename for the developement for the third episode of Fallout).

I'm not a great programmer, also I lack of experience in some fields, like models texturing etc...

The mod shoul be a total conversion indipendent from the original game, with a new campaign, new beginning, new quests, new companions, new dialogues with voices and so on...

All the material should be based on the Van Buren design documents.


Obiously is a BIG work, and I can't do it alone...

If you want to join, please contact me...


Now a few ideas...


-Since at the beginning of the game the player character is a prisoner in a maximum security complex, the character generation could been his trial.

-Companions should been party-based, and some companions should have a relevant role in the main plot.

-Vehicles should be included, since there should have been vehicles in the original Van Buren.

If drivable vehicles are a problem, they should replace Fast Travel.


I hope this project takes your interest!

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I bet once most people saw the words "total conversion" in the title, they didn't even bother to open the topic


and if that didn't do it, the fact that you didn't list what makes you qualified to lead a team and that you spent what looks like only 30 to 40 seconds typeing out the description of your mod deffinatly turned the remaining people away...



I don't want to sound rude, but if I am going to dedicate my time to a mod, I deffinatly want a little more that 3 sentences and absolutly no sort of plan at all...


Mabe you should start off by listing the locations and such that you are going to need

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