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Smoke Grenades


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Sometimes I find myself in a situation where I'd like to be able to pop smoke and get the hell out of dodge.


I've looked for mod like this with no luck so now I have 2 questions:


1) Does anyone know if a mod of this kind is already in existence and if so where can I get it?


2) Is such a mod even possible? It seems to me I can't be the only or even first person to ask about this but I'm basically hoping to get lucky I guess.


The way I envision it is that when you first pop the smoke you gotta wait X number of seconds for the smoke to thicken up enough and when it does you gain 1 level of stealth. (e.g. from DANGER to CAUTION or from CAUTION to HIDDEN) and if you remain undetected during this period then x number of seconds after THAT you get a 2nd level of stealth if applicable. (e.g. DANGER -> CAUTION -> HIDDEN). The smoke remains at that thickness for X number of seconds then begins to dissipate. As it does the stealth levels begin to work in reverse (e.g. HIDDEN -> CAUTION etc.)


In addition certain factors would affect the duration of smoke and the amount of time it takes to get the stealth benefits. For example, popping smoke indoors would enhance the benefits and duration. Personally I'd make Indoors the yardstick and assign penalties for being outdoors in order to help keep it from being over-powered.


Wind should also incur penalties but I don't know if the game will allow modders that kind of attention to detail. Maybe just increase the penalties in certain areas of the game world.


Having no military experience myself I don't know if smoke would be more effective at night (assuming lack of NVG) but I suspect it would be.


Anyways thanks for your time. {:-D

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