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Agent of Dibella and Allure Fix


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Hey everyone.


Since I am roleplaying a lesbian character, my female High Elf naturally focuses on women more than men. However, there is no option to have the Speech perk Allure attract the same sex instead of the opposite sex, and likewise the Agent of Dibella only focuses on the oppsite sex as well. Is there a way to change these perks to only have their effects happen on the same sex rather than the opposite? I have already gained both in-game, so I am not sure if that will be an issue. Thanks.

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First, I don´t really have an idea of how Skyrim handles Gender detection. But generally, if these two perks are handled via a simple boolean, it shouldn´t be too much of an affair.

Secondly, it seems perfectly realistic to me that the shopkeepers can be more easily Allure´d by someone of THEIR sexual preferences. Or can you actually imagine the typic homophobic male redneck (what most medieval people would have been) give a guy a discount, just because that bloke is flirting with him? More like a good whack up the head with something heavy, I suppose.

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First, I don´t really have an idea of how Skyrim handles Gender detection. But generally, if these two perks are handled via a simple boolean, it shouldn´t be too much of an affair.

Secondly, it seems perfectly realistic to me that the shopkeepers can be more easily Allure´d by someone of THEIR sexual preferences. Or can you actually imagine the typic homophobic male redneck (what most medieval people would have been) give a guy a discount, just because that bloke is flirting with him? More like a good whack up the head with something heavy, I suppose.


You do have a point, but this is a game where EVERYONE who can be married ALWAYS wants you. Skyrim is oddly bisexual.

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HobberHobber - if you have downloaded the creation kit - it is a pretty simple tweak that you can do yourself. I say this as someone who has never modded anything before, and really, isn't that bright, - and even I could figure it out.


In the creation kit:

open up the perk you want to modify, example Allure

and then you can see the way they set it up for males vs females. Then just adjust to your heart's content.


You can also add other "conditions" by copying what you see for some of the other perks.

Some of the heavy armor perks have a condition check for "Heavy Armor"


You can tweak that so that you get an even bigger discount with your allure perk,... for example if you are not wearing any Heavy Armor, then you get more of a discount.




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