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Creation kit Problem, my quest won't launch in game


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Hi. :smile:

One week ago I made a simple quest to recruit a follower, talk to the follower, she answers, then "I'll help you" or "I won't help you", then I steal the object, and get back to the follower , hooray.

But I wanted to make a more complex Quest, Therefore, When I made that kind a Complexe dialogue with a lot of topics, I followed the Tutorials, other mod's quests, everything, but When I get In game, the quest doesn't run, it never runs unless I just put that kind of branch : http://www.creationkit.com/images/5/53/ConnectedDialogue.png




So What do I do? I respected everything like the other quest I made sure to make a SEQ file, I put GetStage<10 and Id's the quest aliases, everything.


So why wont my quest launch itself? :sad:


Thank you for answering. :smile:

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I don't know how you set up your quest in the CK, but sometimes quest fail to start if an alias fails to fill.


Is your quest running on game start? if yes try putting every actor/container alias first an then the amulet you want to steal back for her/him, sometimes it also helps to put an alias into the optional state to root out if an alias fails to fill, because if the quest starts with the alias being optional you then know that indeed the alias was the fault.


Maybe you could attach your esp file or upload it somewhere and i take a look at it, i love helping with mods etc :-)

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Hey, first, thanks a lot for your help, it's appreciated. :smile:


Well, the problem is that the quest is supposed to be running, but it actually doesn't, though I checked the box if it's Game enabled and Run Once, problem, but I'll send you a PM ( I kinda erased it, but I can make it again. :smile: )


thanks a lot for your help again. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to have the same problem as Heaven eventhough I followed the tutorial as thorough as I could. The CK tutorial how ever doesn't mention anything on aliases however. It is supposed to work without it. I fixed the dialogue bug with the SEQ solution but still it the quest doesn't start, nor is it in the quest log. Neiter does the tutorial mention anything about setting the start up stage, which I tried by the way. Hope someone can help me with this.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm only adding this comment for future google scouts like myself who seek answers to questions like these. I discovered, quite simply, that you need to load from a clean save when testing your quests. Every time! If, like me, you are only testing certain stages, simply use console and type setstage "your quest is" 10 (or whatever the stage is).


Good luck my fine furry friends

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  • 6 months later...
  On 7/31/2014 at 6:16 PM, skinnytecboy said:

I'm only adding this comment for future google scouts like myself who seek answers to questions like these. I discovered, quite simply, that you need to load from a clean save when testing your quests. Every time! If, like me, you are only testing certain stages, simply use console and type setstage "your quest is" 10 (or whatever the stage is).


Good luck my fine furry friends


I can add more to this comment, since I believe in the same philosophy of adding solutions for future google lurkers, no matter how old the thread is.


My tip is this: check how the aliases are handled. Sometimes, some of them are added correctly, but if even one of them is failing to be filled, then the quest will not start no matter how hard you try. If in doubt, well, look up how the same or similar alias is handled in other quests, and see if you have missed any checked/unchecked box.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...
  On 3/12/2014 at 1:33 PM, Keldis said:

I don't know how you set up your quest in the CK, but sometimes quest fail to start if an alias fails to fill.


Is your quest running on game start? if yes try putting every actor/container alias first an then the amulet you want to steal back for her/him, sometimes it also helps to put an alias into the optional state to root out if an alias fails to fill, because if the quest starts with the alias being optional you then know that indeed the alias was the fault.


Maybe you could attach your esp file or upload it somewhere and i take a look at it, i love helping with mods etc :-)

OMG DUDE THAT YOU SO MUCH I WAS GOING TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF!! I have made a huge mod and I tested it and it did not work! Im up at 1 in the morning trying to figure why my mode was not running anymore! I thought it was the script! but putting the alias to optional helped me find what was causing it to not work so I did what you said and put all alias that I recently created before I last test it working and found the problem. I have been screaming my head off THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! KELDIS!!!

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