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this is a nagant rifle that was cut down to be used as a pistol with added front sight ---


I'm assuming it was for easy concealment such as the sawed off shotty, but to ruin a perfectly good rifle is beyond me


I do remember seeing this in a game tho ---

Edited by alienzerox
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There is a slight difference between cut-off Mosin Nagant, which looks fine with two-handed rifle animations in-game and the Afghanistan which will look really bad with those animations. Also, the cut-off Mosin Nagant added by Couriers Cache was bigger than the one in the picture above.
I'll use the mauser animation for the Afghanistan, it will look much more naturally that way.

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It's a single-shot, lever action pistol. I don't know if you could use a lever-action animation for it, though it would be pretty great. Fires the .303 British, probably the closest the game is .308.

CalX has the proper .303 Brit round, so a compatibility patch could be an option. As for the reload animation, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt the Lever-Action Shotgun's animation to it.


Also - that Buenos Aires gun isn't a pistol, it's a really short cap-and-ball era blunderbuss (basically a muzzle-loading shotgun). Just something to keep in mind when it's being made.

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Okay, but Lever-Action Shotgun is a 2handedrifle too, so in-game the weapon would be held with two hands, with one holding the barrel. Considering how small it is it would look poorly.

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