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Request: Fallout Moderization Project


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Before I write this request, please take a moment to read this. Also, patience in reading this request is required. Your ideas added and comments would be more than welcome!


I have been a fallout fan for almost 5 months now and I love the game and the work put into it along with the mods added. Bethesda nailed it good and the modding community made sure that nail was in. What I seem to enjoy most is the replay value and experimental value to the game. The story is well done, and even the graphics but the actual gameplay is what drives me nuts.. In a good way that is! Now, adding mods to Fallout 3 makes the replay value blow the top off a roof, that being said i have a great appreciation for the modders and developers, and fans! Fallout 3 to me is one of the highest content games to exsist as of now.. It is the Soloist's RPG because let us admit there are too many MMORPG's and Bethesda's work has been at large to give us unique single player experiences. Now! Onto the request part..


I have put a lot of thought into this, and while it may seem simple, it really is not.. By "this" I mean the request. I feel the game's open-modability makes almost anything feasable among the human mind, and since many if not anything is feasable I will set this straight..


I would like to request a Moderization project that takes every object, texture, weapon, armor, and computer and modernizes them. To give you a idea of what I mean, I have put together a list of what changes into what. Keep in mind that doing this alone wouldn't be easy, or if it is easy it won't be done soon.. It would help you if you sum together a team of modders who can assist in this project. Note that some of these subjects in particular are already done from some mod, but my goal is a mod that combines or does everything over again into one single mod to prevent crashes and much much mod interference.




Computer Terminals change to LCD Screens with a Computer case.

Ruined vehicles change to more modern present-day vehicles.

Buildings (If possible) and redone to look more modern.

Weapons change with Iodine black coating and modded sights, etc.

Combat armor changes to Modern ACU Kevlar body armor.

Nuka-Cola Bottles, Milk Bottles change to plastic versions.

The Pip-Boy 3000 is modernized with a LCD panel, or Touch screen.

All Pre-war Clothes are moderized with modern polymer fabrics, Tee's, etc.

Boxes, and other containers are modernized into plastic variants. (Military is exception.)

The Fatman changes into a TAPNL (Tactical Air Propelled Nuclear Launcher)

Mini-nukes are changed with a sleek-aerodynamic design.

Power Armor changes to a Thinner, synthetic-based exoskeleton. (Like Crysis kind of.)

The F-80 Shooting Star Jets on Rivet City changes to F-18 Hornet (Or superhornet.)

Houses are changed to a more modern architecture.

The Vertibirds are changed to look more Aerodynamic and similar to the V-22 Osprey.

All Energy Weapons are given a more "Manufactured" polished look instead of Home-made looking.

Modern Music put into GNR (Nothing too hardcore or dramatic please.)

Give Medicine a more Modern look, Pill bottles change to Orange plastic ones.

Give all guns Ironsights to improve realism.

Replace the .44 Magnum with the more powerful S&W 460 Magnum

Change lights to look Fluorescent.

Turn Liberty-Prime into a more Modern theme, opposed to retro-futurist.

Change the 10mm Pistol into a 9mm Berette (With Weathered looks.)

Give common objects the material look of modernization.

Put solar panels on random houses.

Make toys modern, The toy car becomes a Ferarri Enzo (Yeah, that car rocks!)

Make the Dart gun's Toy car resemble that of the above idea.

Give Hockey masks, Fire Helmets, and Security Helmets thier respectful modern appearances.

Replace the Red Racer Rocket Statue with a STS space shuttle appearance.

Change the Rocket in the Museum of Technology to aa Titan 2 Missile or Saturn V Replica (The Saturn V is too big.)

Replace the moon lander with the real apollo moon LEM.

Make Soda vending machines have that plastic modern appearance.

Turn Holotapes into CD's (That are enclosed in a transparent CD-Case.)

Make Furniture have that more modern approach in design and look.

Turn the Chinese Assault rifle into the Modern AK-47 (With the Polymer stock and grip.)

Give the Assault rifle a Modern look with a railing on the barrel and a laser sight.

Replace Lucas Simm's Duster and hat with Modern State Trooper Hat and uniform.

Give Vault Machinery a upgrade in look and style.

Replace the hunting rifle with a Bolt-action Winchester looking gun.

Add the M249 SAW Machinegun in the game.

Add the Barret .50 Cal in the game.

Give the Motorcycle a Yamaha or Honda style appearance.

Replace Light posts with Modern ones. (Obvious, I know.)

Change the HAM radio to a Radioshack Hand-sized HAM Radio.

Replace desktop stuff like phones with modern Callerid LCD phones.

Add modern Hairstyles.

Give Boats a Fiberglass whitish and slick look.



There could be more said and done, but this is good for now. Remember, there are plenty of mods out there that already do some of the above, but my point being is this: I would like a team of modders to gather and take modern work and compile it into a stable, crash-free, conflict-free Single mod. Something like this may seem like Aethstetics, but it can change the way we look at the game if it is all modern. I cannot embark on this journey myself simply cause I don't model and get into serious modding. I do, however have one thing i would like to submit should this project be started. I managed to put together a Police Kevlar body armor and helmet, these are Non-replacement textures, However the Helmet is not modern-looking cause it's the Combat armor helmet model.


So this is a big request, but seeing it happen would be totally awesome, and if you wish to go nuts, make different versions to support different DLC's.

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the first question that come to my mind is why?


why would you want to do this? why would you want to take the 50s charm out of Fallout and turn it into something that looks like... well... what I see every day


why would you want to take away the atmosphere? why would anyone want a game that is full of realistic modern stuff? arn't games a way to escape from reality, not re-create reality...




Now, that being said, if you want a 2006 Porche Cayman S you can use this model








But I will be 100% honest and say that I would absolutly never even consider downloading such a mod

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I like the 50's Charm. I just want to play in a post-apocalyptic 2000's style RPG now. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion, and it's a mod so it's not like it will hurt your game. I can be disabled with the click of a button too. I don't think it will take away the atmosphere away because it will still look like a rocky, radioactive landscape..
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won't bother me at all if you make it, I just can't seem to wrap my head around why someone would spend that much time doing such a task


but to each his own


if you want the 3Ds Max file for the Porsche just tell me, it could be used as a modern car or as a toy car. if someone wanted to rig and animate it you could even use it as a driveable car, but I don't know how to do that stuff at the moment, though, if I do decide to make it drivable, you can use that as well, but I probly won't, since I am busy with other stuff




I personally don't have any interest in this mod, but I do however make models, for mod reasons and just for practice reasons and just because I felt like it reasons, and if any of them are of use to someone I am more than willing to share

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I would defintely give a try if such a mod is made and released. however, just like someone above mentioned, 50s charm is what fallout 3 is all about. and as I see the list of requested clutter changes, unless done by a larget group, this project will take a long long time depending on modder's skill and availablility.
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