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Autodesk 3ds max 8 crashes when trying to export .nif


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Alright so I made a very simple house (attachment for file) with a very simple collision mesh. But when I try to export it as a .nif file autodesk just says "The application will now close, attempt to save a copy before closing?" or something like that about 60-70% into the export process.


I downloaded the latest niftools plug-in for 3ds max and I do not see what I did wrong. I followed http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index..._to_Oblivion_CS that tutorial but it will not work.


If someone could try and open the file and export it with .nif and the usual static settings or just help me out I would really appreciate it! I don't know any way of rewarding you but...


Also I know, 3ds max 8 is old but I am using it. If it is that that is the problem I have 2010 as well..

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I was going to check it out by importing into blender but you saved in .max format which cant be imported into any other app, if no one else who has 3dsmax can help out Id take a look at it if you put it up in another format.


I don't think I can do it as it's using a different interface with a different nif plugin type then Blender

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No one is using 3ds max?


Well this sucks, I was really pumped about finally getting things into the game....


EDIT:W00t, just got novice rank. 20 posts!


EDIT2: HUZZAH! Turns out, the mass of 1000 messed up major for a static model!

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