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Less of a request, moreso a question about Western Mod.


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For a LOOOONNNNNGGGGGG time I've had an itch for a good, open-ended, FPSRPG, western themed game.


FO3 certainly seems to contain all of the main elements required to create a good western themed game.



I'm more a web-developer than a modder/game developer, but I've always wanted to try my hand at it.



So here are my questions:


1. Is anyone aware of any group or individual that is currently working on a western mod for FO3?


2. Is anyone aware of any game in development that contains RPG elements similar to FO3, but as a wild west shooter? (No point in doing this as a first if someone else is already working on making what I want).


3. Any suggestions on where to start from seasoned mod vets?


4. Any requests from anyone looking for the same thing I am?



Any help anyone can offer is greatly appreciated.

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I have looked at them, but they just don't quite encompass what I have in mind.



What I'm wanting to create/play would be like this...


A western game where you create your own character (like oblivion or fo3), that has a purpose in the game (main plot), but can ultimately do what they want. The player can be a dirty bank robber leading a band of rough and tumble thieves and taking over towns, or they can be the savior of the frontier ultimately thwarting the bad intentioned ones throughout the game. They could be the indifferent gun for hire that does anything for money, or they start and manage their own cattle drive outfit. They can defend against or lead a train robbery. Essentially, everything that fo3 has the potential to do, but in a western setting. Of course, the best thing would be the ability to increase your skills as you progress through the game.



Of course horseback riding would be a must (something I'm sure I couldn't on my own), and the ability to shoot from horseback as well.


Things I can do on my own...



BASIC textures

story and dialogue structure



Things I forsee problems with...


3D design

Advanced texture and lighting





As you can see, I'm ultimately wanting to make a western game with the freedom that fo3 gives to be whatever type character you want. Possibly even leave a main plot out and have it basically be a sandbox game where you can actually fabricate your own back-story.



Lots of ideas I have. Time, knowledge, and ability are things I'm somewhat lacking.

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This is the closest thing to someone working on a Western mod, but it really turned away from that direction and is going for more of a southern agricultural theme...




But anyways, if you are talking about makeing a MOD that adds mabe a Western worldspace or Western quests and stuff like that, then I am completly willing to help you out with meshes and textures and stuff.


Now, if you want to make a Total Conversion, then... well, I will just be brutally honest with you... it wouldn't be worth the time it took me to email you the files, becuase it would never be completed... and I don't really want to be part of a Total Conversion trainwreck...




But back to the point. I make meshes and textures, that is about all I can offer you. I am currently busy with a mod of my own, but a lot of my outfits and stuff, as well as stuff around my town that I am makeing have a strong wild west theme to them. And I am very willing to share the stuff that I make.


I can also help a bit with the story if you can give me a general idea of what you are going for. I am a bit busy, so I can't do anything too advanced, but I will see what I can do.


But I do really like the idea of post apocalyptic cowboy outaw stuff, and if you have anything you need as far as models or textures, feel free to ask, don't expect too much, but I will see what I can do.

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If I were to embark on this endeavor, it would start out with the intention to do, say an instance. 1 small town (6 or 7 buildings), a small mine, and a bank. Moreso a proof of concept type of thing that could perhaps be passed along to a group of individuals with the available resources to bring it to fruition.


It seems most of the character models would, for the most part be re-usable. Also, a few of the houses could be used. The "fun" part would be trying to script and animate a quick draw event. Stinks about the horses too. Wonder if there is any conceivable way to import the horses from oblivion? That would be pretty nice.



I'm sure this is something that could take hundreds of man hours, but like I said. This is something I want to do to teach myself how to develop/mod a game. However, I know when I don't have all the skills necessary. So I'll just see what I can do, and maybe make independent request for various models, meshes or textures as needed.



I'll do some brain digging and get back here in a week with a better of idea of what I flat out can't do.

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