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weapon details ingame too limited


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i find myself wondering about a weapons spd and reach but dont feel like looking them up with tes4edit

in battles knowing ur opponnents weapon helps and knowing which blade has which reach is also nice

does any1 know if there are any mods that make those details accessible ingame?

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i find myself wondering about a weapons spd and reach but dont feel like looking them up with tes4edit

in battles knowing ur opponnents weapon helps and knowing which blade has which reach is also nice

does any1 know if there are any mods that make those details accessible ingame?

The problem is that most of this is inconsistent, and not exact enough to matter.


Weapon reach is determined by two factors; the collision shapes of the weapon, and the parameter in the CS. Many weapons have collision shapes which extend past the tip of the weapon, or end a fair bit before. Although most of the weapons in the CS have reach parameters which try to offset for this, it never actually equates to any sort of standard beyond just the visual length of the weapon. This is also a value which cannot be returned or read through any means other than a colliding object.


To make things even less useful, creatures and to a much lesser extent, NPCs, have their own offsets of weapon distance based on scale (and another variable on each creature). In short, trying to figure out distances of a weapon is all handled internally by the AI, and is only usable by the AI. The only way to know the distance of an opponents weapon is to see how close they get before they try to swing it. The only way to know speed is to watch them swing it. Anything beyond that is just beyond the scope of playing the game, and would only add needless complications. There isn't even any sort of real balance between weapon speed, damage, weight and length to speak of, just general guidelines within a given material type. Daggers are faster and weaker than swords, but less distance. Axes are faster, ligher, and weaker than maces, but have similar range. 2 hand weapons have higher damage, weight, and range, but lower speed. The next material up is usually stronger, has same range, but may have different speed/weight characteristics.

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