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Why isn't it showing up?


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=============this is just some background stories about this particular incident============


I am new to modding and blendering


A while ago I find a costume mod "Taokaka" and notice that the author of it is abandoning that mod.

I like that mod quite a lot and so I thought, "maybe, just maybe I could be the one finishing it"


So I started making my new parts, the tail of that character, claws, and some other missing stuffs.


========END of story========



For the tail I used ANB's furry tail resource.

I have the item in the game already, I made some black fur for the tail, everything in nifscope and blender looks fine.

But in game when I put that tail on, there is nothing, nothing at all for my character.


I also tried to make a more revealing+double-melon version for Night Knight by NKI

I imported the whole thing in Blender, deleted the old-meat and replaced it with double-melon upperbody.

I kept all the bones and deleted the extra bones from the imported DM body

I moved stuff around and re-sized the chest plate

I replace the original file with this and check the oblivion thing in the save window

I changed the mesh in blender and nothing else

It is not showing at all game


Something I noticed, if I am just deleting stuff it will work just find.

If I happen to move stuff around or resize stuff, the nif file is not gonna work in Oblivion


What is happening to me?

(by the way, I hope this isn't a FAQ by newbies)

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