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World Items Doubled?


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When I added some armour and weapons using the GECK (Fallout 3 Cut Content Mod), items and weapons that were placed in the world and not in a container, all seemed to duplicate. When you pick one up, there is another one in the exact same place. I checked through the geck, and there aren't 2 of the same thing in the object list. What's going on? I use the F key to place items on the ground, and I have a feeling that that might be sinking them into the ground and causing this duplication thing. Would that be a cause? Please help!
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Oh wow is that what persistant reference does?




I can think of a few cool uses for that...





Go in GECK and double click the item in the render window to bring up the stuff I think persistant reference is set in


look for it there, I would guess you would want this turned off.

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Well actually if it were two different mods that added the same thing it would be a multiple entry and fallout would only use the one in the last of the load order.



If say MMM added a armor, then FOOK added a armor, both which are different form ID's (two seperate items)



to pick up one an have the other displayed, they would have to be placed in the game world at the same exact spot


by two different people who placed it there. Not very high odds that it will ever happen.




Which makes persistant reference more likely as a cause on a item you can pick up.



The reference is locked in (the placement of it into the world)


but at the same time you can pick it up


so you pick it up but it doesn't disapear, because the reference (location placed in the world) is persistant


meaning that it won't change, not by havok, not by picking it up, which vanilla there probalby are no persistant references for


moveable objects, an I don't really know what it's use is for, maybe items that havok gets applied too which we don't want to move


like a override, making non-static clutter static via persistant reference, but I've never really though about what would happen if you did that


to a actual item, funny though...

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