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Chain Combo


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Hello everyone. I know this might sound a bit big for a request and I am new to Fallout 3 so I don't know if this can be done or not, but I have been noticing that the melee combat, specifically VATS, is quite stiff. For example, if I hit a super mutant in the VATS system twice with a knife, the knife will strike, wait a few seconds, and strike again. Especially when I targeted two targets in VATS and I kill one target. My character will wait for at least 5 or so seconds before striking another target. This time leaves me especially vulnerable. So I have been thinking of a way to avoid this problem maybe by making sort of a "chain combo" attack? For example, could someone somehow replace the original animations in third person so that they string together attacks rather than hit/recover/hit/recover? I know this has been done in Oblivion. (I.E. DMC Stylish) That way, when I kill an enemy in VATS, I won't take as much damage from the other target around me by standing still with the camera becoming all epic. When instead, I would kill an enemy, and immediately switch to the other one. Another way could be to reduce the animation time when using melee attack in VATS perhaps?


Now the second request might be a bit out of hand. Could someone maybe add a "chain combo" meter to the Pipboy that charges up for every hit you make? This would be a great accompaniment for the combo animations. For example, every 10 hits will charge the chain combo meter up to full, and your character will then have a 3 or 4 second period where every hit will become a critical hit. Or some sort of other compromise.


I will repeat that I am new to Fallout 3 and I have ZERO modding experience what-so-ever. So I apologize for taking up forum space if this has a absolute zero possibility of being done and if it seems that I am not grateful enough for the great mods we already have, and sorry for the giant wall of text. Other than that, please leave constructive criticism, ways on how it can be done, and maybe ideas on how to improve this thought, etc. etc.


Thanks. :thanks:

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