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Need scripting help - Quest not updating


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Heya! I just got to know the G.E.C.K., so I'm pretty new to modding at all, and I'm trying to create a quest.

During the quest you will have to pick up a note and bring it to your client. You can also pick the note up before you have the task to, which sets you to a different stage and enables another dialogue option when meeting the client.

I drew a trigger box around the note and I want to apply a script to it, but the script won't save (which, I think, means it's full of errors).

This is what it looks like:


scn Script


begin OnTrigger player


if getStage Quest < 5
if player.getHasNote NoteRef
setStage Quest 5
elseif getStage Quest == 10

if player.getHasNote NoteRef

setStage Quest 20





I probably made some stupid mistake.

Thanks for your help :smile:


Edited by Birf
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