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Real World Weapon Values Questions


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I have toyed a bit with GECK so I am not completely new to it but just in case I ask dumb questions, well in that case pretend I am new :)


I am trying to tweak some of the weapons to fit real world values (and maybe make a few of my own) so...


I have a few questions about how this works in the GECK if anyone would like to help:


1) In the GECK docs it says that "Rate of Fire" is number of rounds per TWO seconds. Is this how it works? eg. If I want 600rpm I have to 600/60/2??


2) Is the value under "weight" arbitrary or something relating to pounds or kilograms?


3) Can someone please explain the "min range" and "max range" to me. I have read the what the GECK docs say but I still don't get it. How do I get a weapon to exhibit true range values? I take it I'd have to do something about the projectiles too so what values for projectile range would be fitting?


4) Also, is it possible to get an NPC (companions) to switch between various weapons automatically based on ranges?


4) The GECK says the "spread" value is unused and that only the "min spread" is used. True or false? (I have done some tests and it does appear that "spread" is unused. A "min spread" value of about "3-4" seems good for a machine gun, i.e. I'd want it to "spray" a bit to provide group target support)


5) What would you consider the right usage of "normal" and "loud" under "detection", i.e. would a carbine be N or L? If N...what weapon type would be L and vice versa?


6) I am thinking of scripting a weapon to allow it to be able to fire selectively, i.e. single, burst, auto..... what does the "burst shot" and "long burst" boxes do, i.e. is it possible to get a weapon to fire a 3 round burst? (I am thinking it is possible by using a modified sound file that makes it sound like a burst and then setting "ammo use" to "3" ... am I on the right track?? Can the animation be tweaked to look like 3 recoils and how?)


7) What does "don't use 1st/3rd person animations actually do"? I have seen some weapons with it on and off but for the life of me I can't seem to get what the difference in game is.


Thanks in advance

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2) Is the value under "weight" arbitrary or something relating to pounds or kilograms?
I think it is closer to pounds, as stated in one of the perks.


3) Can someone please explain the "min range" and "max range" to me. I have read the what the GECK docs say but I still don't get it. How do I get a weapon to exhibit true range values? I take it I'd have to do something about the projectiles too so what values for projectile range would be fitting?
Merely used by NPC's as to when they can and can't/should and shouldn't shoot that specific weapon, thus when they will change weapons.


4) Also, is it possible to get an NPC (companions) to switch between various weapons automatically based on ranges?
See above for 3.


6) I am thinking of scripting a weapon to allow it to be able to fire selectively, i.e. single, burst, auto..... what does the "burst shot" and "long burst" boxes do, i.e. is it possible to get a weapon to fire a 3 round burst? (I am thinking it is possible by using a modified sound file that makes it sound like a burst and then setting "ammo use" to "3" ... am I on the right track?? Can the animation be tweaked to look like 3 recoils and how?)
Burst shot and long burst are for what VATS will do for one set of action points with that gun. Setting ammo use to 3 simply means that every time you click 3 is taken from the ammo, however this doesn't mean that a burst of bullets is fired. # Porjectiles is the amount of bullets fired in one go. For true 3 round burst fire, I'm afraid it's not possible, as far as I know.


Well those are the ones I can help with.

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So about the ranges.


Say I have an NPC equipped with a pistol, an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. If I want the NPC to use the pistol at short ranges, the AR at medium range and the sniper rifle at long range would this example do it?:


Pistol: min range: 50 max range 250


AR: min range 250 max range 1000


Sniper: min range 1000 max range 3500




Should I have a little overlap like:


Pistol: min range: 50 max range 400


AR: min range 250 max range 1000


Sniper: min range 750 max range 3500

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Yeah, now you're going too deep for me. I'm not entirely sure about that. If you want a specific NPC to do this I can help you write a script that will enable that person to change weapons depending on distance from the player, however if you want all NPCs to change with different weapons at different ranges, I'd suggest testing it out.
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I've got a new solution for you too. The values of 'Loud', 'Normal' and 'Silent' are in the ratio of 100:50:10 in terms of notice-ability (I'm guessing). The way I have determined this is the values of iSoundLevelLoud etc. :biggrin:
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