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TwoMoons, Darksouls and Vindictus!


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I am here to make requests for a few armor sets!


First off I'd LOVE to have Havel's Armour done. I have seen other posts about it and I have a feeling if it is done it will be a HUGe success, so please look into it. Lemme Drop a link for you! http://darksouls.wikidot.com/havel-s-set


Also there is a game called Twomoons/Dekaron. Same Game. and they have some AMAZING looking Armors in that game. Like, spectacular for such a low-key FTP MMO. (Also some wing idea's there.) Lemme drop a link for you! http://en.dekaron.nexoneu.com/NXEU.aspx?PART=/Guide/Item/Equipment

(Preferably, for me, Eternity up. I wouldn't make any of the other sets so. But I am sure others might, so do what you need to!)


Also Vindictus has some beast heavy armor sets available, the light armor is an eh imo, but that's just my thoughts. Lemmme Drop a link for you!



Thank you so much for reading and even LOOKING into it, and/or considering it. I would love for any of these armors to be created and I just know others would as well. :)

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