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Eden's Plan


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It was a stupid plan that had no basis in biology. The virus can't "know" who to attack because it isn't alive. The Modified FEV would attack everyone because of this. Even people in Vault 101 would be vulnerable because they would lack an immunity to the virus. Also, even if there was a way to ensure that only "impure" humans would die, the Enclave would be the definition of purity and not those in unopened Vaults. It would have made more sense if the plan was to use nanobots or something, but that technology could have existed in the Fallout universe because they were just learning about transistors when the world ended. So yes the Modified FEV killing all non mutants is an oversight that has stayed with us from Fallout 2. Genocide through Nazi-esque means would have been easier to explain, but involve less science fiction or just using small pox.

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