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RCsuns Unamed Plugin

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Disclaimer: This topic has been created automatically for discussion regarding this mod. The mod author may or may not view comments left here.


Mod name: RCsun's Unofficial Patch


Mod description: I certainly have had a lot of fun playing Morrowind since I've had it, but there are some issuses in it that bother me somewhat. These issuses are game balance problems that are subject to opinion, I really believe in hearing all sides to a story before I go out of my way to change something so let me know what you think. Thats what this patch really is though, a change and if you are a purist then this isn't for you. Even with that said, I tried to keep this as close to the original design as possible, no wierd stuff. With these rule changes I believe this game can be 100% more enjoyable to all game players. Thanks to all those who have downloaded this lil patch of mine, I hope it makes playing Morrowind as fun for you as it has been for me making this patch.

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  • 1 year later...
does anyone want to tell me what it does?

It's difficult to explain every change someone made in a mod like this. But what it probably does is edit the damage certain weapons can do of which he thought were unrealistic. Or it changes how much health you get at every level. Or how fast your alchemy skill advances. It probably does a lot of those things.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Well, Buddah, if the description in the README is that... vague, unclear, unexplanatory, undescriptive.... then the author of this mod simply displays a DIRE disrespect for us, the downloaders and users of his work.

In this case, maybe he should have kept his mod to himself, no?

Another clear sign of disrespect is not naming his plugin.


This is just like a fruit seller shouting :" I got some fruit, form somewhere, treated somehow, ripened or not, buy them or not, I don't give a rat's ass."


I ask you, would YOU buy from such a guy?


I would most certainly not.



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