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Wierd 1st person Bug.


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Ok here is whats going on.


My third person camera is perfect. No bugs or anything.


But sometimes when I got first person, the camera makes my character "float" up into a fixed height thats higher than I am tall. It happens when I either stop moving, or am not crouching.


When I look at people in third person, they look at me. But when I go first person, they look up at me as if I am in the air.(Which I believe is what is happening.



Sometimes I fall through the ground and the game resets me to the last position I was at.


MY question is that is this a known bug? And how can it be fixed?



I think it's kind of strange.


When I actually TALK to a person(whilst in 1st person camera), the bug gets fixed until I either fall down, or leave the area.


Even while collision is off, the bug still happens.



Any Ideas?

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I've had this happen occasionally when I've been using one of the pose mods to take screen shots, and have forgotten to always be in 3rd person. I didn't have the falling through the ground part, though it may have happened if I hadn't reverted to a good save.


If this is the cause of your problem, the bug doesn't go away even if you save and reload that save. It will still be there, so you need to go back to an earlier save where it doesn't occur.


I haven't had it happen for ages though. It may have been from one of the very early pose mods or I'm just more careful to always be in 3rd person for posing.

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