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Fallout 3


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I know this might not be related to fallout 3 (i dont know where to put this so i justs tuck it in here cuz its for fallout3nexus.com


Now when i go on i sign on so i can download stuff over (id ont know what it is but u have to be logged on to download)

and i can download those fine but when i try to download tailor maid it just says log in and then i do and it goes back to the log on page( on the little screen that pops when u click the download link.

Now i dont know if this is a problem with anyone else but it pisses me off cuz i wanna update my Tailor maid for all the cool stuff and Fileshare only has the 1st version :wallbash: :wallbash:





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first of all, I don't see what your problem is... it is as simple as logging on, searching tailor made, and opening it up again...


if it isn't that simple, then you need to explain what exactly you are talking about better





and second, you get the reward for the worst name for a topic I have ever seen...


seriously... it is a FALLOUT 3 Forum, and you are asking a question NOT about Fallout 3 exactly, but you name it Fallout 3...


I'm not trying to be rude, im just curious, what exactly were you thinking when you decided it was a good idea to name it that?

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