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The Texture Directory Doesn't Work... Period.


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There is a known issue with Windows Vista and Oblivion mods. If you installed Oblivion to the default directory, there will be problems with outside programs attempting to change or access files located in Program Files. The workaround is to install Oblivion to its own directory outside of Program Files (i.e., C:\Oblivion).
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Okay, I duplicated what you did and I think I know what's happening. The icon texture has to be in the "\Textures\Menus\Icons" folder. This is apparently hard coded.


The texture for the sword itself is set within the nif file. To change the path of this texture, you'll need to use Nifskope.


Once you open up the nif, expand the NiNode, expand the NiTriStrips, expand the NiTextureProperty. The texture path is under NiSourceTexture. Double-click the path to edit it then hit enter.

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