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District 9.


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I just heard there's going to be two more movies. Apparently a prequel to District 9 and then another one that comes after the events in D9. Couldn't find any hard evidence of this, but heard people speaking about it on another forum.


I too have heard speak of a sequel.

But a prequel?

I will be very happy if there is. :3

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movie was AWESOME.


soon as it opened and they showed the aliens in the first 10 seconds i was like WHOA WHOA WHOA.... hold the phone... WHY AM I SEEING ALIENS THIS EARLY???


(i was so accustomed to aliens being revealed later on as the 'big reveal'... but in this movie no, they just blast you full in the face with the Location, the Story, the aliens, and the media coverage.)


I thought it was bold, and i thought it worked, something about it captured my heart and i started to like it right then and there :)

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