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Mod Idea Warrenburg


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Alright so I have an idea for a mod and I think it's pretty good. I don't want anyone making it before I do so I won't give every single detail but heres the general idea.

You are in an abandoned town full of dangerous radiation. You are one of the few people in the town. The others are all holed up in barricaded buildings and hiding in shelters all over. The town is also infested with mutated creatures and people. Now this might sound nice and easy but the thing that makes this hard is, you don't have any of your previous equipment. So your stranded in an abandoned town swarming with mutants with very little resources. At night the most powerful mutations awake. They sometimes attack your base as well. You would be a fool to go out of your barricaded building or other position that you're defending at night. So during the day you have to kill the other mutations with whatever you have at hand and search for better supplies. There will be a whole story included.


So this is what I'm going to attempt to make.


- A brand new worldspace.

-A detailed medium sized town with detailed steets and roads.

- Many different interiors, all heavily detailed.

- Many small survival quests, not for things you HAVE to do but rather as suggestions to make survival easier. ( Ex: Search nearby houses for ammo.)

- A couple of larger quests for the whole story to be concluded. Like how exactly did you get there???

- Other NPC survivors who can be told where to defend, to share equipment with you, to follow you, and more.

- perhaps some custom meshes and/or textures if someone chooses to help me.


Honestly I'm pretty new to modding. I've made mods for Oblivion before, but only ever released 2. I know how to make interiors and exteriors and worldspaces as well as minor scripting but Meshes and textures are out of my league, though I'll try my best if noone can help.


Anyone who thinks they can help is welcome. Just PM me. What I really need are someone who can make meshes and alter textures. Or someone who can do compilicated scripting, but anyone is welcome to help if they can. Just PM me and tell me what you think you could help with. Then I'll tell you the whole story.


So... What do you think? Is it worth making?

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